Paratransit Eligibility: For information, please call (845) 943-6115
- If you live within the county service area and are unable to use fixed-route service due to a disability you may apply for service.
- To determine eligibility, riders must complete a certification application.
- Forms are below or requested via email to or at the Transit Center, 1 Danny Circle, Kingston
- Visitors can use the service for 21 days by presenting documentation from “home” jurisdiction or “proof of disability” via a letter from a doctor or rehab facility
- To appeal application denial, please write us at 1 Danny Circle, Kingston NY 12401, with attention to the director, within 60 days of receiving the denial letter.
Complaint Process: To file a complaint
Ulster County Area Transit has established an administrative complaint procedure through which an individual may file a complaint concerning ADA. Complaints may be made in writing and sent to: The Director of Public Transit, Ulster County Area Transit, 1 Danny Circle, Kingston NY 12401, or by email to the UCAT Director of Public Transit, Toni Roser at:
The Director of Public Transit will promptly respond to the complaint allegations, including its reasons for the response, to the complainant within 5 working days in writing, unless a verbal response is requested. If for any reason the Director is unavailable to respond the complaint will be forwarded to the Deputy Director of Public Transit. All complaints will be documented and filed.
Responsibilities of riders:
- Reservations for ADA service are available by calling 845-334-8120, Mon-Fri 8am-4pm. Next day reservations are guaranteed when calling between those hours.
- Riders are encouraged to use the fixed-route service when possible between 9am and 3 pm.
- Riders in wheelchairs or mobility devices must allow the bus driver to secure the device in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations
- Riders must keep their service animal under control at all times and not permit the animal to become disruptive or dangerous to others
- Riders who cannot meet their scheduled pick-up time must call one to cancel 1 hour prior to pick up. Calls within 1 hour of scheduled pickup are considered No-Shows.
- Requests for reasonable modifications can be made via email to sends e-mail) or by calling the Director at 845-340-4182.