Routes / Schedules / Maps

UCAT is now providing Fare Free (no cost to the rider) service for all riders for both our fixed routes and demand-responsive services i.e. Paratransit.  

UCAT understands the importance of providing transparent, clear, and effective communication to all stakeholders. UCAT is continuously reviewing routes to ensure the services are meeting the demands and needs of the residents and visitors of the County. Our webpage has the most recent service information. If you have any questions pertaining to planning of your next trip or specific service questions you can contact our offices during normal operating hours listed below at (845) 334-8458. A UCAT Customer Experience Representative will gladly assist you. Additionally, see our UCAT Live Map to check on the status of your bus or get the app from the Apple App Store or the Android Play Store for your device.

UCAT Route Schedules

Effective October 1, 2022 the following routes have been adjusted.  

Yellow Route – Primarily serves the City of Kingston, and Port Ewen areas. Service has been expanded to include stops previously serviced by the Red Route. Service run times have been extended from 5:00PM to 8:00PM Monday thru Friday.  

Blue Route – Primarily serves the City of Kingston area. Service has been expanded to include stops previously served by the Red Routes. Service run times have been extended from 5:00PM to 8:00PM. 

Red Route – Has been discontinued and integrated into the Yellow and Blue Routes exclusively. All stops and service times will be reflected in the new Yellow and Blue Schedules. 

There is a route schedule identified by name of each route. UCAT fixed routes are:

Belleayre ExpressFrom December 14, 2024  thru April 13, 2025 comes the Belleayre – Express Route between Kingston Plaza and Belleayre Mountain.Sat-Sun
Blue RouteKingston Circulator Between Uptown and Downtown, Serving Kingston Point, Hospitals, Broadway, and Kingston PlazaMon-Sat
CL RouteCollege Link between SUNYs Ulster & New Paltz with Commuter Service to/from Gardner and WallkillMon-Fri
EUEllenville Route between Kingston Plaza and Village of EllenvilleMon-Sat
KSKingston – Saugerties Route between Kingston Plaza and Saugerties Price Chopper PlazaMon-Sat
KPLKingston Poughkeepsie Link between Kingston and Poughkeepsie Train StationMon-Sun
Mall LoopTown of Ulster Shopping area between Tech City and Kohl’s PlazaMon-Fri
New Paltz LoopVillage and Town of New PaltzMon-Sun
UPLUlster Poughkeepsie Link between Rosendale Park and Ride and Poughkeepsie Train StationMon-Sun
X RouteNewburgh Route between New Paltz and Newburgh Mall via Route 32Mon-Fri
Yellow RouteCity of Kingston to Port Ewen RouteMon-Sat
Z RouteKingston, Woodstock, Phoenicia, Pine Hill, BelleayreMon-Sat
Kingston to New Paltz RoutesRoutes between Kingston and New PaltzMon-Fri
Rural RouteWeekly Shopping Pickup in Designated Communities Mon-Fri
Nature BusRunning from April 27th, 2024 thru October 12th, 2024 – Seasonal Bus Route to visit and explore the County’s natural treasuresSat
T RouteRunning shuttles from the Kingston Inn to Hannaford

Disclaimer: The schedules and other information in this timetable are subject to change. UCAT does not assume responsibility for inconvenience or damage resulting from delayed trains or buses due to weather, traffic conditions, etc.

Each schedule includes a map of the route and indicates if Saturday or Sunday service or late-night service is provided in addition to regular weekday service.

Hours of Operation

Monday – Friday: 5am to 11pm
Saturday: 7am to 7pm
Sunday: 8am to 7pm

Holiday Schedule

NO BUS SERVICE: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, Juneteeth, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Thanksgiving Day & Christmas Day.

SATURDAY SCHEDULES ARE FOLLOWED ON: Veterans Day and the Day after Thanksgiving