Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in programs and activities receiving Federal financial assistance. Specifically, Title VI provides that “no person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance”. (42 U.S.C. Section 2000d)
Recipients of public transportation funding from FTA and Ulster County Area Transit (UCAT) are required to develop policies, programs, and practices that ensure that federal and state transit dollars are used in a manner that is nondiscriminatory as required under Title VI.
This document details how UCAT incorporates nondiscrimination policies and practices in providing services to the public. UCAT’s Title VI policies and procedures are documented in this plan and its appendices and attachments. This plan will be updated periodically as necessary, and at least every three years to incorporate changes and additional responsibilities that arise.
Ulster County Area Transit is a regional public transportation agency, and as such, provides a variety of transportation services, including fixed route, paratransit, and dial a ride service to the towns and villages of Kingston, New Paltz, Saugerties, Ellenville, Rosendale, Woodstock, Phoenicia, Wallkill, Marlboro, Poughkeepsie and Newburgh, area colleges, major medical centers, and senior housing complexes. From the Planning Departments Long Term Transportation Study, UCAT assessed that our fixed routes cover most of the densely populated LEP areas of the County. Therefore there is frequent use of our service throughout the County.
Paratransit service is operated by UCAT and it is for people who qualify under the eligibility requirements for the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Paratransit is provided within a defined service area, during the dame hours and days as fixed-route service and in compliance with applicable state and federal laws for service to people whose disability prevents them from using fixed-route bus service.
Dial a Ride services all of Ulster County for residents that call the next day for shopping or medical services that do not live along with the fixed-route service.
Title VI Policy Statement
Ulster County Area Transit is committed to ensuring that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, national origin, as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended; the Federal Register; U.S. Department of Transportation 23; Code of Federal Regulation (CFR), Part 200.9 and 49 CFR, Parts 21, 26 and 27, Part V dated December 6, 2000; and,
Whereas the UCAT administers programs of the U.S. DOT, and abides by U.S. DOT 23 and 49 CFR Parts 200.9 and 21, 26 and 27, respectively; and, in the event UCAT distributes federal aid funds to another government entity, UCAT will include Title VI language in all written agreements and will monitor for compliance; and
The Director of the UCAT or his/her designee shall implement the UCAT Title VI Policy Document for the UCAT Transportation Area as documented by the U.S. Bureau of the Census through the following methods:
The UCAT Title VI Manager, Carolyn J. Hargrove is responsible for initiating and monitoring Title VI activities, preparing required reports, and other responsibilities as required by Title 23 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 200, and Title 49 CFR Part 21.
Carolyn J Hargrove Director of Public Transit October 2019
Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act provides that no person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance (refer to 49 CFR Part 21). The Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 broadened the scope of Title VI coverage by expanding the definition of the terms “programs or activities” to include all programs or activities of Federal Aid recipients, sub-recipients, and contractors, whether such programs and activities are federally assisted or not.
The UCAT Director and his/her designee shall be responsible for monitoring the implementation of UCAT Title VI Plan, but not necessarily limited to the following:
- Receiving and, if necessary, assisting with the writing of discrimination complaints that are filed by users of UCAT plans, programs, or
- Upon request, providing UCAT users with copies of the UCAT Title VI
The Ulster County Area Transit (UCAT) shall have in effect the complaint process noted below which incorporates the elements of due process. These procedures cover all complaints regarding UCAT programs or activities filed under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 or 49 CFR 21, “Nondiscrimination in the Federally-Assisted Programs of the United States Department of Transportation.” The process follows the steps identified below:
The following measures will be taken to resolve Title VI complaints:
1) A formal complaint must be filed within 180 days of the alleged occurrence. Complaints shall be in writing and signed by the individual or his/her representative, and will include the complainant’s name, address and telephone number; the name of the alleged discriminating official, the basis of the complaint (race, color, national origin ), and the date of the alleged act(s). A statement detailing the facts and circumstances of the alleged discrimination must accompany all
The County strongly encourages the use of the attached Ulster County Area Transit, Title VI Complaint Form when filing official complaints.
The preferred method is to file your complaint in writing using the Ulster County Area Transit, Title VI Complaint Form, and send it to:
Title VI Coordinator
Ulster County Area Transit
1 Danny Circle
Kingston, NY 12401
2) In the case where a complainant is unable or incapable of providing a written statement, a verbal complaint of discrimination may be made to the City’s Title VI Coordinator. Under these circumstances, the complainant will be interviewed, and the County’s Title VI Coordinator will assist the Complainant in converting the verbal allegations to
3) When a complaint is received, the Title VI Coordinator will provide written acknowledgment to the Complainant, within ten (10) days by registered
4) If a complaint is deemed incomplete, additional information will be requested, and the Complainant will be provided 60 business days to submit the required information. Failure to do so may be considered good cause for a determination of no investigative merit.
A complaint may be dismissed for the following reasons:
- The Complainant requests the withdrawal of the
- The Complainant fails to respond to repeated requests for additional information needed to process the complaint.
- The Complainant cannot be located after reasonable
5) Within 15 business days from receipt of a complete complaint, Ulster County Area Transit will determine its jurisdiction in pursuing the matter and whether the complaint has sufficient merit to warrant investigation. Within five (5) days of this decision, the Title VI Coordinator or his/her authorized designee will notify the Complainant and Respondent, by registered mail, informing them of the disposition.
- If the decision is not to investigate the complaint, the notification shall specifically state the reason for the decision.
- If the complaint is to be investigated, the notification shall state the grounds of Ulster County Area Transit’s jurisdiction, while informing the parties that their full cooperation will be required in gathering additional information and assisting the investigator.
6) When Ulster County Area Transit does not have sufficient jurisdiction, the Title VI Coordinator or his/her authorized designee will refer the complaint to the appropriate State or Federal agency holding such
7) If the complaint has investigative merit, the Title VI Coordinator or his/her authorized designee will fully investigate the A complete investigation will be conducted, and an investigative report will be submitted within 60 days from receipt of the complaint. The report will include a narrative description of the incident, summaries of all persons interviewed, and a finding with recommendations and conciliatory measures where appropriate. If the investigation is delayed for any reason, the Title VI Coordinator will notify the appropriate authorities, and an extension will be requested.
8) The Title VI Coordinator or his/her authorized designee will issue letters of finding to the Complainant and Respondent within 90 days from receipt of the
9) If the Complainant is dissatisfied with Ulster County Area Transit’s resolution of the complaint, he/she has the right to file a complaint with the:
Federal Transit Administration Office of Civil Rights
Attention: Title VI Program Coordinator
East Building, 5th Floor-TCR
1200 New Jersey Ave
SE Washington DC 20590
FTA Complaint procedures can also be found on the FTA website at www.fta.dot.gov. These procedures are also outlined in FTA Circular 4702.1A, Chapter IX.
The UCAT maintains a list or log of all Title VI investigations, complaints, and lawsuits, pertaining to its transit-related activities.
There have been no complaints, investigations, or lawsuits in the past three years.

The UCAT Director of Public Transportation is responsible for ensuring the implementation of the agency’s Title VI program. Title VI program elements are interrelated and responsibilities may overlap. The specific areas of responsibility have been delineated below for purposes of clarity.
Overall Organization for Title VI
The Title VI Manager and staff are responsible for coordinating the overall administration of the Title VI program, plan, and assurances, including complaint handling, data collection and reporting, annual review and updates, and internal education.
Detailed Responsibilities of the Title VI Manager
The Title VI Manager is charged with the responsibility for implementing, monitoring, and ensuring compliance with Title VI regulations. Title VI responsibilities are as follows: Process the disposition of Title VI complaints
- Collect statistical data (race, color or national origin) of participants in and beneficiaries of agency programs, (e.g., affected citizens, and impacted communities).
- Conduct Title VI reviews of construction contractors, consultant contractors, suppliers, and other recipients of federal-aid fund contracts administered through the agency.
- Conduct training programs on Title VI and other related statutes for agency
- Develop Title VI information for dissemination to the general public and, where appropriate, in languages other than
- Identify and eliminate
- Establish procedures for promptly resolving deficiency status and writing the remedial action necessary, all within a period not to exceed 90 days.
General Title VI responsibilities of the agency
The Title VI Manager is responsible for:
Data collection
To ensure that Title VI reporting requirements are met, UCAT will maintain:
- A database or log of Title VI complaints The investigation of and response to each complaint is tracked within the database or log.
- A log of the public outreach and involvement activities undertaken to ensure that minority and low-income people had meaningful access to these activities.
Ulster County Area Transit operates its programs and services without regard to race, color, or national origin, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
To obtain additional information about your rights under Title VI:
Contact Director of Ulster County Area Transit
If you believe you have been discriminated against on the basis of race, color, or national origin by Ulster County Area Transit you may file a Title VI complaint by completing, signing, and submitting the agency’s Title VI Complaint Form.
How to file a Title VI complaint with Ulster County Area Transit
- To obtain a Complaint Form from Ulster County Area Transit contact:Title VI Coordinator
Ulster County Area Transit
1 Danny Circle
Kingston, NY 12401 - In addition to the complaint process at Ulster County Area Transit, complaints may be filed directly with the:Federal Transit Administration Office of Civil Rights
Attention: Title VI Program Coordinator
East Building, 5th Floor-TCR
1200 New Jersey Ave
SE Washington DC 20590 - Complaints must be filed within 180 days following the date of the alleged discriminatory occurrence and should contain as much detailed information about the alleged discrimination as possible.
- The form must be signed and dated, and include your contact information.
If information is needed in another language, contact: 845-384-6269
Title 49 CFR Section 21.9(d) requires recipients to provide information to the public regarding the recipient’s obligations under DOT’s Title VI regulations and apprise members of the public of the protections against discrimination afforded to them by Title VI. At a minimum, UCAT shall disseminate this information to the public by posting a Title VI notice on the agency’s website and in public areas of the agency’s office(s), including the reception area, meeting rooms, in federally funded vehicles, and bus schedules.
The Ulster County Area Transit (UCAT) shall have in effect the complaint process noted in section IV Complain Policy and Procedures. These procedures cover all complaints regarding UCAT programs or activities filed under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 or 49 CFR 21, “Nondiscrimination in the Federally-Assisted Programs of the United States Department of Transportation.”
Instructions for filing Title VI complaints are posted on the agency’s website and in posters on the interior of each vehicle operated in passenger service and agency’s facilities and are also included on UCAT‘s schedules.

It is the policy of Ulster County Area Transit to have a proactive public involvement process that provides complete information, timely public notice, and full public access to UCAT activities at all key stages in the decision-making process. It is also UCAT’s policy to involve the public early in the planning process and to actively seek out the involvement of communities most affected by particular plans or projects. Furthermore, it is a goal of the community involvement policy that the Region’s transportation plans and programs are developed in a manner that assures that the public, and affected communities, in particular, are afforded ample opportunity to participate in the development of such plans.
UCAT’s Public Participation Plan also provides a framework for focused efforts to identify, seek out and engage populations that have traditionally been underserved by existing transportation systems, including minority populations, low-income populations, non- English speakers and those with limited English proficiency, older persons, and persons with disabilities.
The foundation for these efforts is stated in Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964:
“…No person in the United States shall, on the basis of race, color, or national origin be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program receiving Federal financial assistance…”
–Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000)
Further reinforcement was established by the President’s 1994 Executive Order on Environmental Justice, which states:
“…Each Federal agency shall make achieving environmental justice part of its mission by identifying and addressing, as appropriate, disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects of its programs, policies, and activities on minority populations and low-income populations…”
-Executive Order 12898, Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and
Low-Income Populations, 1994
- Meeting Accessibility
- With the exception of those meetings that are appropriate executive sessions, all meetings Ulster County Area Transit shall be open to the
- Assistance for the sight and/or hearing-impaired, those with limited English proficiency or non-English speakers shall be provided with advanced When possible, written materials will be made available in languages other than English that are relevant to local populations. Interpretation is available at meetings if 7 days’ notice is given to UCAT in advance.
- UCAT Staff will provide contact information for assistance to individuals in need of auxiliary aids and services in the below mentioned meeting In addition, the UCAT Staff will provide information in regards to the status of the building’s accessibility.
- With consideration to the geographical area and diverse topics of concern to the public, Ulster County Area Transit shall schedule meetings at convenient and accessible facilities, locations, and times which will encourage attendance by the general public, and that are accessible and accommodating to persons with disabilities, older persons and the sight and/or hearing-impaired. Where possible, meeting places will be accessible by public Meeting locations shall be compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
- Meeting Notice
- Advertising shall be display advertising or equivalent or superior editorial Display advertisements need not be duplicated by legal advertisements.
- In an effort to actively engage minority and low-income populations, non- English speakers and those with limited English proficiency, older persons and persons with disabilities, and other populations traditionally underserved by the existing transportation system, announcements of meetings will be distributed to newspapers or other media that specifically target these groups as appropriate including Social Media CPO (Community Based Organization), emails of Organizations, Faith base Cultural Centers. Transportation is provided upon request.
- Meeting announcements shall be provided on UCAT’s web site , where they are translated into
- All additional or rescheduled meetings, or special meetings of the public, shall be announced on the agency’s web site no less than 72 hours prior to the meeting time.
- Any special MPO meetings that may be necessary for emergency action shall be advertised in a newspaper of general circulation within the region no less than 72 hours prior to the meeting time, and shall be announced on the agency’s web site www.ulstercountyny.gov/planning no less than 72 hours prior to the meeting
- In the event that a major decision, as defined in this document, is to be considered for action at a meeting of the MPO, the MPO shall provide notice in a newspaper of general circulation within the region at least 30 days prior to said meeting summarizing the major decision which is subject to action, indicating where copies of any document for review can be obtained and where to send.
Ulster County Area Transit shall provide early and continuing public involvement opportunities throughout the transportation planning and programming process.
- Planning Activities
Special emphasis shall be given to engaging the public in planning studies that form the basis for later programming decisions. Planning activities include corridor studies and special regional studies, environmental assessment studies, and the development of the Long Range Transportation Plan. These activities offer the public the earliest opportunity to participate in the development of project proposals that might eventually be programmed for funding. Thus, UCAT shall make an extra effort to involve the affected community through methods such as local advisory committees, public information meetings, and newsletters. Cross-reference B #2 describing other methods we seek to involve the community.
Ulster County Area Transit shall make an effort to inform and engage both the general public and stakeholders as appropriate.
- General ProgramAs part of its general planning and programming process, Ulster County Area Transit will try to involve the following: citizens, member municipalities, affected public agencies, representatives of transportation agency employees or unions, public and private providers of transportation, representatives from disability groups, and other parties who have expressed an interest in the process.
- Outreach to Special Groups – Environmental Justice (EJ) Ulster County Area Transit shall also make a special effort to seek out and consider the needs of groups or communities traditionally not well served by existing transportation systems. These include, but are not limited to low- income households and minority households.
It is sometimes necessary to conduct an outreach effort to EJ communities, beyond that which is normally expended. At a minimum, Ulster County Area Transit shall identify groups that it needs to involve, add them to the appropriate mailing lists, and define methods for engaging them in relevant programs or projects. This requirement for special outreach efforts shall apply to both sections A and B above.
Ulster County Area Transit efforts in this regard shall be consistent with the Environmental Justice Executive Order (EO 12898) dated February 11, 1994, and other related guidance from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA).
Ulster County Area Transit shall allow reasonable time for public review and comment at key decision points. These include, but are not limited to, action on the Long Range Transportation Plan and the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). Minimum notification periods shall be as follows:
Reduction in services or rate changes – 30 days
Adoption of the TIP & major TIP amendments – 30 days
Adoption of the Long Range Transportation Plan & major amendments – 30 days
Ulster County Area Transit shall use appropriate methods to notify the public of its activities and of opportunities for public involvement. Determination of which methods to use must be done for each individual planning project or study. However, the minimum requirements are listed below.
- Meeting Notices
A notice of each meeting shall be filed with every municipality office. In an effort to actively engage minority and low-income populations, non-English speakers and those with limited English proficiency, older persons and persons with disabilities, and other populations traditionally underserved by the existing transportation system, announcements of regularly scheduled meetings will be distributed to newspapers or other media that specifically target these groups as appropriate.
APPENDICE C: Outreach and Involvement
VIII. Language Assistance Plan for Persons with Limited English Proficiency (LEP)
Ulster County has prepared a Limited English Proficiency Plan to help identify reasonable steps for providing language assistance to persons with limited English proficiency (LEP) who wish to access services provided. As defined by Executive Order 13166, LEP persons are those who do not speak English as their primary language and have limited ability to read, speak, write, or understand English. This plan outlines how to identify a person who may need language assistance, the ways in which assistance may be provided, staff training that may be required, and notification to LEP persons regarding the availability of assistance.
Factor 1. The number and proportion of LEP persons in the service area who may be served.
Ulster County Area Transit assessed the number and proportion of LEP persons served or encountered in the eligible service population from the 2018 American Community Survey 5- Year Estimates for New York State, Ulster County and determined that:
- 178599 individuals live in the Ulster County Area Transit service
- 6 % of the population speak a language other than English.
- Of those, 5292 individuals have limited English proficiency that is; they speak English less than “very well” or “not at ” This is only 0.1 % of the overall population in the service area.
- In UCAT service area, of those persons with limited English proficiency:
- 88.4 % speak English only
- 4.2 % speak into European languages
- 5.7 % speak Spanish
- 1.2 % speak Asian and Pacific Islander languages
- 0.4 % other languages
Factor 2: The frequency with which LEP individuals come in contact with an Ulster County Area Transit program, activity, or service.
UCAT reviewed the frequency with which their staff has, or potentially have, contact with LEP persons. This includes phone inquiries or office visits.
- To date, UCAT has had 0 requests for interpreters and 0 request for translated program documents.
- UCAT staff has had very little contact with LEP persons
Per the 2010 American Community Survey, Ulster County does not have a large LEP population.
Ulster County Area Transit is a regional public transportation agency, and as such, provides a variety of transportation services, including fixed route, paratransit, and dial a ride service to the towns and villages of Kingston, New Paltz, Saugerties, Ellenville, Rosendale, Woodstock, Phoenicia, Wallkill, Marlboro, Poughkeepsie and Newburgh, area colleges, major medical centers, and senior housing complexes. From the Planning Departments Long Term Transportation Study, UCAT assessed that our fixed routes cover most of the densely populated LEP areas of the County. Therefore there is frequent use of our service throughout the County.
Paratransit service is operated by UCAT and it is for people who qualify under the eligibility requirements for the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Paratransit is provided within a defined service area, during the dame hours and days as fixed-route service and in compliance with applicable state and federal laws for service to people whose disability prevents them from using fixed-route bus service.
Dial a Ride services all of Ulster County for residents that call the next day for shopping or medical services that do not live along with the fixed-route service.
Factor 3: The nature and importance of the program, activity, or service provided by Ulster County to the LEP Community.
There is no large geographic concentration of any type of LEP individuals in the service area for UCAT. The overwhelming majority of the population, 88.7%, speaks only English. As a result, there are few social, service, or professional and leadership organizations within the UCAT service area that focuses on outreach to LEP individuals. The Ulster County Area Transit staff is most likely to encounter LEP individuals through office visits, phone conversations, notifications from department staff regarding the results of service delivery. Examples of transit service destinations provided include shopping, work, medical, school, attendance, and participation at public meetings.
Factor 4: The resources/ interpretation services available to Ulster County Area Transit
Ulster County Area Transit contacted other departments within Ulster County who are willing to provide voluntary language translation and interpretation services if needed within a reasonable time period. Other language translation options could be provided by bilingual staff or by telephone from a professional interpretation service (Lingualinx, Inc.) for which UCAT would pay a fee. The UCAT website is also available in 36 languages.
Language Assistance Measures
When an in-person interpreter is needed, it should be determined what language is required. Notice of translation services will also be displayed in English and Spanish, the two most commonly spoken languages among the LEP populations. Once the LEP person’s language is determined, UCAT staff will contact a translator on staff or contact the translating service under contract (Lingualinx, Inc.) for assistance to understand the customer’s needs.
UCAT Staff Training:
The LEP Plan will be available for all employees in a hard copy format. This information will also be part of the UCAT staff orientation process for new hires. Training topics include:
- Understanding the Title VI LEP program responsibilities
- What language assistance UCAT offers
- How to access an interpreter
- Documentation of language assistance requests
- The importance of educating UCAT staff on its LEP program responsibilities and their obligation to provide language assistance
- Providing Notice of Available Language Service to LEP Person
- Ulster County Area Transit offers Spanish-speaking dispatch services upon request for all information regarding transit service including Fixed Route, para transit and to off-route UCAT has eight Spanish-speaking employees for translation.
- The electronic telephone message offers English or Spanish.
- Dispatchers will take the name and telephone number of the client and have a Spanish- speaking dispatcher call back, if one is not available at the time of the If a Spanish speaking dispatcher is not available, we patch the customer through the radio to a Spanish speaking driver for interpretation.
- UCAT also has employees who speak, Romanian, Spanish and These employees can also be called upon to interpret, as needed.
- Title VI information is posted in English and Spanish on all of our buses and is monitored by the maintenance department during the monthly PM inspections to assure they are posted in the bus and in good order.
- Ulster County has a contract with an interpreting contractor, Lingualinx , who will provide dispatch services in other languages, as needed.
- Ulster County’s website is available in Spanish and 36 additional languages.
- UCAT has translated its System-wide schedule which encompasses all of our schedules into Spanish
- UCAT has a website with information about programs, policies and contacts for public transit access in The website is promoted on all rate schedules dispersed to the community and mentions both the English and Spanish site addresses.
- UCAT distributes and collects surveys to determine passenger needs in English and Spanish
- UCAT works with the Department of Social Services, the Department of Labor, Gateway Community Industries, The Resource Center for Accessible Living, the Hispanic Outreach Advisory Board, the Office for Aging, and Ulster-Greene ARC to ensure that all people who public transit access need get it.
- The Hispanic Outreach Advisory Board includes UCAT in all mailings, seminars and activities related to the Hispanic UCAT attends all of the above. Hispanic Outreach Advisory Board is a nonprofit organization that provides access to and information about critically needed services such as transportation to residents in Ulster County. HOAB’s mission is to improve the quality of life for residents in the community through programs that promote education, health, economic development, financial literacy and the cultural arts.
- LAP refresher training is given on an annual basis to all employees during our safety and sensitivity training day in September/October.
- Assistance for the sight and/or hearing-impaired, those with limited English proficiency or non-English speakers shall be provided with advanced When possible, written materials will be made available in languages other than English that are relevant to local populations. Interpretation is available at meetings if 7 days’ notice is given to UCAT in advance.
The LAP plan is reviewed and trained annually with all UCAT staff.
IX. Requirements of Fixed-Route Transit Providers
- Service Policy:
UCAT operates 20 fixed routes, para transit and dial a ride services.Buses are housed at the UCAT facility at 1 Danny Circle Kingston, NY. And The City of Kingston DPW facility located at 464 Hasbrouck Ave. Kingston, NY 12401.All UCAT vehicles are low floor. Bus assignment takes into account the operating characteristics of buses of various lengths, which are matched to the operating characteristics of the route. Routes with lower ridership may be assigned cutaways or 30 ft. buses rather than the 35 or 40 foot busesUlster County Area Transit does not meet the threshold as defined in Chapter IV. UCAT Operates less than 50 fixed route vehicles in peak service and is located in urbanized area of less than 200,000 people. UCAT operates 20 fixed routes. - Service Amenities:
All UCAT buses are equipped with: Air conditioners, free Wi-Fi, ramps, and bike racks.Service schedules are available on all buses, at the UCAT transit center, the UC UCAT website, and the UCAT app.Bus shelters with benches are supplied to villages, towns, senior residents, retailers, park and rides, etc., upon request along the service area. - Service Standards:
Ulster County Area Transit has the following service standards for our fleet of buses:On Time performance:On time performance is measured using specific time points along the route as noted on the schedule. Fixed route buses are prohibited from running early. On time performance is measured using a 5 minute late window.Ninety percent of UCAT transit vehicle will complete their established runs no more than 5 minutes late. On time performance is monitored by using TripSpark software reporting.All buses are air conditioned and low floor. Vehicle headway ranges from ½ hour to 2 hours on most fixed routes depending on the route and distance. Headway can be as much as 6 hours on limited service routes. Service hours are Mondays through Fridays from 5:20 AM to 10:30 PM. Saturdays and Sundays from 8:00 AM to 6:30PM.

Minority and LEP Demographic Analysis

Ulster County Area Transit operates less than 50 fixed route vehicles in peak service but does evaluate the demographics
The Ulster County Planning Department finalized a long-term transportation plan addressing Title VI and Environmental Justice. It can be accessed at http://www.ulstercountyny.gov/planning/tran.html
- Monitoring Language Needs and ImplementationOn an ongoing basis, Ulster County Area Transit will assess changes in demographics, types of services or other needs that may require reevaluation of this policy and its procedures. In addition, Ulster County Area Transit will regularly assess the efficacy of these procedures, including but not limited to mechanisms for securing interpreter services, equipment used for the delivery of language assistance, complaints filed by LEP persons, feedback from patrons and community organizations, etc. UCAT works with the Department of Social Services, the Department of Labor, Gateway Community Industries, the Resource Center for Accessible Living, the Hispanic Outreach Advisory Board, the Office for Aging, and Ulster-Greene ARC.
- Facility Site Equity AnalysisUlster County Area Transit has not identified a site or location for a new facility or constructed a facility during this period.
- Sub recipientsUlster County Area Transit does not oversee any sub-recipients.
- Board SelectionUlster County Area Transit does not have any non-elected planning boards, advisory councils or committees.
- Recipient Construction Facilities/Site AnalysisUCAT has not constructed any storage facilities, maintenance facilities or operations centers in the last three years.